Smartphone kidney health testing
A screening programme for patient at highest risk of chronic kidney disease.
The importance of ACR testing
- Patient with chronic conditions are likely to have tests for their kidney function, their blood sugar, and counselling them about obesity, smoking and other lifestyle risk factors.
- But one key test is often overlooked. Albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR), obtained via a urine sample, measures kidney damage directly and provides a strong early marker of kidney disease, allowing for early intervention and management. It also serves as an important early risk predictor of cardiovascular disease.
- More than half of people with type 2 diabetes do not take the recommended annual ACR test. Less than a third of people with hypertension are tested.
- The lack of testing has created a so-called “missing million” of undiagnosed people across the UK - over 110,000 of which live in Wales.
We have to change the way that we deliver care, and technology’s got a huge part to play in that.
Rob Webster, CEO,
CEO West Yorkshire ICS
Digital clinical-grade testing
Minuteful Kidney is helping to make digital testing the new normal, in line with the new NHS Operational Planning Guidance. ICBs are seeing the impact of increasing adherence in areas where MK has been deployed across.
Digital testing uses the same point of care dipsticks as lab testing and generates equivalent results. It measures semi quantitative analysis of microalbumin (10 – 150 mg/L), creatinine (10 – 300mg/dL) and albumin to creatinine ratio (mg/g).
Results are expressed as ACR normal (<30mg/g), ACR abnormal (30-300mg/g) or ACR high abnormal (>300mg/g).
The product is CE marked, GDPR compliant, and follows industry standards for privacy and safety.

How it works?
Reach patients who have not completed an ACR test in the last 12 months by allowing them to test at home.

Test kits can be used directly by untested patients who are identified through a simple search in SystmOne or EMIS

Patients test at home using our test kit with help from our virtual nurse, Emily, who guides them throughout the entire exam

Get results
Results are analysed and uploaded to SystmOne or EMIS workflows in real time so GPs can access them directly
Book a meeting
To learn more about how Minuteful Kidney can benefit your organisation, just fill out this form to book a meeting with us.